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X-RedNotebook 1.7.1 [rev5]

Developer: Jendrik Seipp/winPenPack Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: venerdì 08 marzo 2013 - 21:27:20
Dimensione: 35,2 Mb
Downloads: 10999
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[It] RedNotebook è un programma gratuito che consente di annotare i propri appunti ed impegni. Fra le varie caratteristiche include un calendario, modelli personalizzabili e offre la possibilità di esportare i contenuti in formato PDF.

[En] RedNotebook is a graphical diary and journal helping you keep track of notes and thoughts. It includes a calendar navigation, customizable templates, export functionality and word clouds. You can also format, tag and search your entries.

Versione/Version: Software [1.7.1] - X-Launcher [1.5.1] - INI [rev5]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - RedNotebook source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Modifiche/Changes :
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 efaxxini  il: 14.02.11 - 18:30 - Commenti: 2

zip file seems to be corrupted

 Danix  il: 14.02.11 - 19:40 - Commenti: 241

Sorry. Now I have updated the .zip file.

 efaxxini  il: 14.02.11 - 23:50 - Commenti: 2

Thank you very much, now it's working fine.

 vldmr  il: 11.07.11 - 00:40 - Commenti: 2

I have a problem getting this program to run. Nothing happens when i double click the exe file. I also tried nonportable version which works fine, but I prefer the portable one as i want to sync it via dropbox.

Thanks for your time.

 Danix  il: 11.07.11 - 11:25 - Commenti: 241

Hi vldmr!
On Windows Xp the program works for me!

 vldmr  il: 11.07.11 - 12:15 - Commenti: 2

Hi Danix,
I'm using win xp sp3 and I can't get the portable version working. Are there any dependencies I have to install to make it run properly?

 ZioZione  il: 11.07.11 - 13:24 - Commenti: 102

Hi vldmr, welcome to our forum!
If the non-portable version of RedNotebook executes on your PC, then all the dependecies are satisfied also for the portable version.
Please be sure that you correctly downloaded and/or uncompress (with all paths) the .zip file. So download it again, uncompress and run X-RedNotebook.exe; if also in this case it not runs, please re-post your problem directly in the forum -Link- , so it could be discussed more deeply.
Best Regards

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