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X-PhotoFilmStrip 2.1.0 [rev2]

Developer: Jens Göpfert/winPenPack Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: martedì 06 ottobre 2015 - 11:35:46
Dimensione: 21,23 Mb
Downloads: 5794
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[It] PhotoFilmStrip permette di creare filmati in tre semplici passaggi partendo da una collezione di immagini. Basta selezionare le foto, riordinarle, ed effettuare il rendering del video. E' possibile salvare le presentazioni in diversi formati di output: VCD, SVCD, DVD fino a FULL HD (1920x1080). Permette inoltre di aggiungere testi, che compaiono come dei sottotitoli e musiche di sottofondo.

[En] PhotoFilmStrip creates movies out of your pictures in just 3 steps. First select your photos, customize the motion path and render the video. There are several output possibilities for VCD, SVCD, DVD up to FULL-HD. The effect of the slideshow is known as "Ken Burns". Comments of the pictures are generated into a subtitle file. Furthermore an audio file can be specified to setup the background musice for the slide show. In contrary to other similar projects, PhotoFilmStrip has the opportunity to render slide show in Full-HD (1920x1080) resolution.

Versione/Version: Software [2.1.0] - X-Launcher [1.5.4] - INI [rev2]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - PhotoFilmStrip source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Modifiche/Changes :
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