3d Traceroute
[It] Consente di sapere che percorso geografico segue un dato che inviamo o riceviamo via internet, nonchè di sapere da quali server è passato, e il tempo impiegato. Dal sito del produttore: "Just copy it into any folder. Run it once. It is installed now. Deinstallation: Just delete the folder or the executable. Do NOT store the executable on the desktop. It will create addional files and folders." [En] this program let you know geographical trace of data sent and/or received by internet. Moreover, you can check on wich server data are passed through and ping for time spent. Note from program site: "Just copy it into any folder. Run it once. It is installed now. Deinstallation: Just delete the folder or the executable. Do NOT store the executable on the desktop. It will create addional files and folders." Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use: [It]Il programma si compone del solo file .exe ma è preferibile creare una cartella poiché al primo avvio il programma creerà file e cartelle. Per utilizzare il programma con winPenPack, seguire queste indicazioni. [En] the whole program is an exe file only, but we suggest to use it from within a new folder, because during first run some extra files and extra folders will be created. To use the program from within winPenPack, please follow these informations. Versione/Version: Lingua/Language: Deutsch - English Piattaforma/Platform: Windows Licenza/License: Freeware |
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