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X-NeoCrypt 1.1a [rev1]

Developer: Arijit De/winPenPack Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: giovedì 08 ottobre 2009 - 00:15:24
Dimensione: 885,67 kb
Downloads: 8576
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[It] Permette di crittografare file e cartelle (singoli/multipli) usando diversi algoritmi di cifratura.

[En] NeoCrypt is a free, open-source File Protection Utility for Windows. It helps you to protect your sensitive information easily by encrypting it with password(s). An intuitive user interface allows even novice users to use this utility to its full potential. It yields fast, reliable and unbreakable encryption and supports many popular encryption algorithms.

Versione/Version: Software [1.1a] - X-Launcher [1.4] - INI [rev1]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - NeoCrypt source
Requisiti/Requirements: privilegi amministrativi/administrative privileges
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