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Xenu's Link Sleuth 1.3.8

Developer: Tilman Hausherr
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: martedì 07 settembre 2010 - 15:04:49
Dimensione: 426 kb
Downloads: 4587
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[It] Effettua un controllo approfondito sui links dei siti web. La verifica che non ci siano link errati viene effettuata su link normali, immagini, css, script e applet java.

[En] Xenu's Link Sleuth (TM) checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets. It displays a continously updated list of URLs which you can sort by different criteria. A report can be produced at any time.

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use:
[It] decomprimere il file XENU.ZIP ed estrarre con Universal Extractor il file setup.exe, eliminare tutto tranne la cartella $INSTDIR (rinominandola eventualmente a piacere). Per avviare il programma eseguire Xenu.exe.

[En] unzip the XENU.ZIP file and extract the "setup.exe" file with Universal Extractor, delete everything but the $INSTDIR folder (you can rename it as your choice). To start the program please run Xenu.exe.

Versione/Version: 1.3.8
Licenza/License: Freeware

Note sulla portabilità: -Link-

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