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TimeSentry 2.5.5

Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: lunedì 22 ottobre 2007 - 00:44:32
Dimensione: 397 kb
Downloads: 5123
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Minuscolo calendario. Dal sito del produttore: "TimeSentry is a small, multi-purpose calendar and time application designed to make finding out date and time information easy and fast. It features a customizable calendar, a date/time calculator to calculate the difference between two dates and times to the millisecond, and also an atomic time synchronizer.
TimeSentry can also access local setting info, daylight saving time info, GMT bias, system uptime, and simple time zone info. TimeSentry has a personal alarm sound played through the PC speaker, regardless whether or not the speakers are on or not. TimeSentry is a completely USB portable application!

Estrazione e uso/How to extract and use: estrarre con Universal Extractor il file timesentry.exe ed avviare il programma eseguendo TimeSentry.exe
Versione/Version: 2.5.5
Licenza/License: Freeware

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