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X-WinTeXmacs [rev3]

Developer: Joris van der Hoeven/winPenPack Team
Sito Web Autore: -Link-
Ultimo Aggiornamento: martedì 07 agosto 2012 - 21:33:06
Dimensione: 34,25 Mb
Downloads: 6332
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[It] GNU TeXmacs è un editor di testo WYSIWYG destinato particolarmente a scopi di tipo scientifico come la scrittura di libri, articoli e presentazioni. Può interfacciarsi con diverse shell (maxima, mupad, python, scypy, mathematica, bash) e permette di salvare il testo in vari formati, come XML, PDF, PS e LaTeX.

[En] GNU TeXmacs is a free wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform with special features for scientists. The software aims to provide a unified and user friendly framework for editing structured documents with different types of content (text, graphics, mathematics, interactive content, etc.). The rendering engine uses high-quality typesetting algorithms so as to produce professionally looking documents, which can either be printed out or presented from a laptop. The software includes a text editor with support for mathematical formulas, a small technical picture editor and a tool for making presentations from a laptop. Moreover, TeXmacs can be used as an interface for many external systems for computer algebra, numerical analysis, statistics, etc. New presentation styles can be written by the user and new features can be added to the editor using the Scheme extension language. A native spreadsheet and tools for collaborative authoring are planned for later.

Versione/Version: Software [] - X-Launcher [1.5.0] - INI [rev3]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - WinTeXmacs source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Modifiche/Changes :
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 raist74it  il: 11.09.07 - 19:12 - Commenti: 1

Non funziona. Mi da il seguente messaggio di errore:
"Unknown TeXmacs Path

Io mi sono limitato a scaricarlo e scompattarlo. Cosa ho sbagliato?

Grazie in anticipo per l'aiuto

 Danix  il: 11.09.07 - 19:38 - Commenti: 241

Per piacere, per l'assistenza dovresti postare sul forum, luogo sicuramente più adatto. Inoltre, se effettui una ricerca, c'è già una discussione in proposito.

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