X-ThinkingRock 2.2.1 [rev9]
[It] Programma volto alla gestione del proprio tempo e dei propri progetti usando la metodologia "GTD". [En] Thinking Rock allows you to collect your thoughts and process them into actions, projects, information or future possibilities. Actions can be done by you, delegated to someone else or scheduled for a particular date. Projects can be organised with ordered actions and sub-projects. You can review all of your actions, projects and other information quickly and easily to see what you need to do or to choose what you want to do at a particular time.
Versione/Version: Software [2.2.1] - X-Launcher [1.4] - INI [rev9] Licenza Software/Software License: Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - ThinkingRock source Lingua/Language: Modifiche Changes :
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