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ven 20 mar 2009 - 02:02
Utente registrato #18391
Registrato il: gio 19 mar 2009 - 22:46
Messaggi: 10
Hey is the missing dll problem over? I can't tell where to get the missing dll from, and I don't read Italian. Thanks beforehand for any orientation.
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ven 20 mar 2009 - 08:49

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
Hi Chascon,
the msvcr71.dll library is not contained in QuteCom setup, nor in the portable version X-QuteCom, because is part of .NET Framework 2.0 (or above), that must be installed in the host PC.
If, for some reasons, is missing, you can download it from here -Link- (or any other source, just google "msvcr71.dll download") and put it into \Bin\QuteCom folder. This should fix your problem.
Best Regards
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ven 20 mar 2009 - 09:47

Utente registrato #2511
Registrato il: mer 07 feb 2007 - 10:08
Provenienza: Roma
Messaggi: 217
Hi Chascon,

I'm sorry if I were a little rude with my "2 cents". You know: sometimes written words say more than author's intentions.

Regarding the meaning of "portable", your explanation reveals that you know what a build is, and what means to port an application from one OS/platform to another.
That is not common, and nowadays I think that "portable = Windows application that can be launched from a portable memory device" is by far the most common use, as you can see googling with key portable application.
A totally new definition (movable application?) would take us out of the main stream. Anyway, I also feel that a more clear definition of what a portable application is - in the sense of movable - would be very useful.

But, as you can see, I'm going OT.

If you would like to continue discussing this specific topic, my suggestion is to move to a new dedicated thread.

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ven 20 mar 2009 - 12:28
Utente registrato #18391
Registrato il: gio 19 mar 2009 - 22:46
Messaggi: 10
Zionzione: I downloaded the dll file and inserted it to the appropriate dir. I'm just wondering what would happen if I try to run that on an install that already has a .NET Framword setup?

I trying to foresee issues when one might arrive at a public computer without the .NET framework.

Thanks for your response. I'll post it in the comments on the project page as I think it clears things up for English users.

On another note, I remember some talk about making a portable Skype and how writes should be re-directed to cache (instead of the pen drive) because of the limited write life of USB pen drives. Has this issue been dealt with on X-QuteCom?
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ven 20 mar 2009 - 12:53
Utente registrato #18391
Registrato il: gio 19 mar 2009 - 22:46
Messaggi: 10
PortableUmbo: Don't worry about it. I can be accused of the same thing.

Say is the X-QuteCom version language intuitive? The Wengophone version defauted to Italian, and I had to edit some config file manually.

I reason I'm asking these things is that I don't run Windows --so I can't test these apps-- but I'll be barraged with questions when family members run into problems. I will sometimes install them onto Windows systems and accompanying usb pen drives, though. This, to ensure my interoperability with contacts overseas. So I need to know work-arounds and fixes, just the same --despite my OS preferences.

[ Modificato ven 20 mar 2009 - 12:57 ]
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Nini & Jim
sab 09 mag 2009 - 20:27
Utente registrato #25842
Registrato il: sab 09 mag 2009 - 19:38
Messaggi: 1
Is there any user manual available for this X-Qute thing? I have just launched it and thought I could easily create an account as it works with almost all other VoIP programmes, for example when starting Skype or GoogleTalk for the first time, but here they are asking for strange things like a "SIP Domäne" (in German). I don't think that I have something like that; I don't even know what they mean by that. The "help" link just leads to a page where computer specialists can get technical information about the development of the programmme, but there is nothing for users.
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mer 13 mag 2009 - 11:13

Utente registrato #2511
Registrato il: mer 07 feb 2007 - 10:08
Provenienza: Roma
Messaggi: 217
Hi Nini & Jim,

(am I talking to Nini or to Jim ? )

I think you are posting here because of lack of information on QuteComm site. Anyway, you should be aware of the fact that WinPenPack is involved only in solving portability issues, so the best we can do is to give you some hints based on our personal experiences.

I'm not a QuteComm user, but I share with you the few things I know. The main one is that QuteComm - differently from Skype - follows the SIP standard for voice communication.
To enter a SIP voice communication you need a SIP account.

A clear explanation of the concept is given here:
SIP numbers are almost as easy to "create" as email addresses. The only difference is that you have to put up a "SIP server" on the internet, instead of an "email server". But once your SIP server is up (and registered with it's own DNS "domain"), you can then create as many "numbers" as you want. I've even done it on occasion.

Of course, only places that are directly or indirectly using your specific SIP proxy will know anything about your own (private) "SIP numbers". So while it's trivial to make your own "SIP numbers", unless you have some "peering" arrangement with other VoIP providers, only your own VoIP users would be able to use those SIP numbers for anything useful...

So the best choice - at least to start using X-QuteComm - is to get a free SIP account from a provider that is worldwide known and reachable.
I hope you'll find these links useful to this aim:
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dom 24 ott 2010 - 23:27


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Danix ha scritto ...

Thank you, justsky.
Please, let us known if you find portability troubles with your account configuration.

@ per gli utenti italiani: test richiesto sulla portabilità del programma, DOPO AVER CONFIGURATO UN ACCOUNT.

Ho aggiornato il programma alla nuova versione. Ora la portabilizzazione dovrebbe essere più efficace, perchè il profilo, contrariamente a quanto accadeva con le altre versioni, viene creato direttamente in \User\QuteCom, anzichè passare per %AppData%.

Avevo chiesto un test due anni fa, ritento anche 'sta volta..
Il test deve essere effettuato da chi possiede un account SIP, cioè un numero di rete fissa fittizio da richiedere e acquistare credo tramite Skype. Il problema è che per ciascun account viene creata una sotto-cartella (nome account) in \User\QuteCom\profiles. Le sottocartelle contengono alcuni file di configurazione (userprofile.xml, history.xml, etc..). Bisogna controllare che in questi file NON vengano scritti percorsi assoluti. A me non risulta, ma non so quanto il mio test possa essere considerato attendibile, dal momento che è stato effettuato utilizzando un "SIP number" inventato, senza quindi accedere realmente all'account.

Grazie per la collaborazione.
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lun 25 ott 2010 - 11:20


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3357
Test Effettuato! per me è OK

NOTA: Non ho modificato alcun parametro del programma.
Ho solo impostato il mio account Eutelia.

Prima fase:
X-qutecom integrato sul winPenPackNet dal disco D: del PC (Win 7 Pro 64bit - NO UAC)

- configurato account e provato a chiamare numero di rete fissa - Tutto OK!

Seconda fase:
spostato (in realtà copiato..) X-Qutecom appena configurato su HD esterno, al di fuori di wPPN
Praticamente la path è:

- provato a chiamare numero di rete fissa - Tutto OK!

unico problemino:
ad ogni avvio (questo perché non ho modificato alcun parametro) il programma controlla la presenza di nuove versioni ed inizia a scaricare la 2.2


testato anche su macchina con Win XP Pro SP3 dalla root di C:\
tutto ok!

permane il problema del DL automatico della versione 2.2
ho spulciato le inpostazioni del programma e non sono riuscito a trovare il parametro per disattivare il DL automatico.
Se si annulla il DL prima del completamento, il programma funziona, ma lo richiede di nuovo al successivo avvio.
se si lascia terminare la procedura di DL, parte automaticamente l'installazione della nuova versione.
Annullandola, il programma si chiude.

[ Modificato lun 25 ott 2010 - 11:35 ]
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lun 25 ott 2010 - 11:38


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Grazie per il test, Taf!

Taf ha scritto ...

unico problemino:
ad ogni avvio (questo perché non ho modificato alcun parametro) il programma controlla la presenza di nuove versioni ed inizia a scaricare la 2.2

Questo non dovrebbe succedere. Puoi accedere alla directory \User\QuteCom e controllare se nel file config.xml la voce general.autostart è pari a 0? Dovrebbe essere:


Inoltre, dato che ci sei.. dovresti controllare se nelle sottocartelle incluse in "profiles" (una per ogni account con cui hai effettuato l'accesso), non siano presenti file (magari proprio config.xml singoli, uno per ogni profilo!) che contengano la stessa impostazione o altre con percorsi assoluti.
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