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[Released] X-Unison 2.27.57_rev_1_test_1

Autore Messaggio
dom 24 gen 2010 - 10:49

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14

Please find hereafter the first test release version of X-Unison (Unison home page)

Second TEST Version (6.980.705 Byte/6,7 Mo)

Some Portalisation notes
- Unison preferences files are found according to UNISON environment variable (You can also use the HOME environment variable but I personally prefer to keep it pointing to my Documents folder).

- Unison preferences files are to be adapted to reflect the current winpenpack drive letter. I use for that a custom AutoIt udf that perform this task (you can find it in the src folder). I personally don't encourage you as using the existing FixDriveLetter directive from X-launcher 1.4 as it might break you preference file: X-launcher function does replace all drive letter so that it will certainly also alter other root directive in your preference files.

- Unison log file is created by default in the HOME directory. I have use the "-logfiles" directive to save it in the User\Unison folder to keep it separated from my Documents. This of course can be adapted to your personnal preference.

- Unison relies on GTK library. GTK library is refer to by adding to the PATH the GTK/bin location
I also perform a copy of GTK/etc content to User/gtk in order to keep the gtk configuration centralized and potentially share it with other GTK apps.

[Edited 2010.01.29]
Second test release according to Danix comments (see bellow)

[ Modificato sab 06 feb 2010 - 12:17 ]
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dom 24 gen 2010 - 12:51


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Hello pir,

- Unison log file is created by default in the HOME directory. I have use the "-logfiles" directive to save it in the User\Unison folder to keep it separated from my Documents. This of course can be adapted to your personnal preference.

I think it is better to change it to:

Parameters=-logfile "$Home$\$AppName$\unison.log"

Otherwise, in paths with spaces an error is shown:

I'd like to ask you about this part:


What are these files (Portable_EDF.prf and Zhendows.prf)?

- Unison relies on GTK library. GTK library is refer to by:
. adding to the PATH the GTK/bin location
. modifying GTK_EXE_PREFIX (and DATA_PREFIX) to GTK/ directory

I changed the GTK code with:

; GTK library location

I also perform a copy of GTK/etc content to User/gtk in order to keep the gtk configuration centralized and potentially share it with other GTK apps.

To install a gtk configuration, is not enough to copy the preconfigured files only once?
For example:

;Install GTK configuration files
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dom 24 gen 2010 - 13:23

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14
Hello Danix,

Thanks for your quick feedback

Danix ha scritto ...

- Unison log file is created by default in the HOME directory. I have use the "-logfiles" directive to save it in the User\Unison folder to keep it separated from my Documents. This of course can be adapted to your personnal preference.

I think it is better to change it to:

Parameters=-logfile "$Home$\$AppName$\unison.log"

Otherwise, in paths with spaces an error is shown:

I update it in the next test relaese

Danix ha scritto ...

I'd like to ask you about this part:


What are these files (Portable_EDF.prf and Zhendows.prf)?

These two files are unison preference files that I use. These files contain directive to tell unison what to synchronize, therefore they usually contain reference to the USB drive letter from which X-Unison is launched. They defintly need to go through FixDriveLetter to be used.
I include them in the ini only for example to show how to fix the drive letter. This INI part shall be adapted to your use to fit your config.

Possibly, it would be better to comment out this part in the default ini ?

An alternative could be to run FixDriveLetter to $Home$\$AppName$\*.prf but at the moment the use of wildcards is not supported by x-udf.au3.

Danix ha scritto ...

- Unison relies on GTK library. GTK library is refer to by:
. adding to the PATH the GTK/bin location
. modifying GTK_EXE_PREFIX (and DATA_PREFIX) to GTK/ directory

I changed the GTK code with:

; GTK library location

OK. No problem for me. Just to understand, why not keep %PATH%;$Lib$\GTK\bin and GTK_EXE_PREFIX ?

Danix ha scritto ...

I also perform a copy of GTK/etc content to User/gtk in order to keep the gtk configuration centralized and potentially share it with other GTK apps.

To install a gtk configuration, is not enough to copy the preconfigured files only once?
For example:

;Install GTK configuration files

Yes, you're rigth. The RunAfter entry is of no use.
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dom 24 gen 2010 - 14:09


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Danix ha scritto ...

I'd like to ask you about this part:


What are these files (Portable_EDF.prf and Zhendows.prf)?

These two files are unison preference files that I use. These files contain directive to tell unison what to synchronize, therefore they usually contain reference to the USB drive letter from which X-Unison is launched. They defintly need to go through FixDriveLetter to be used.
I include them in the ini only for example to show how to fix the drive letter. This INI part shall be adapted to your use to fit your config.

Not sure I understand, but the new "_WriteWinPenPackDriveLetterToFile()" and "_NeutralizeWinPenPackDriveLetterInFile()" functions fix all paths of recent folders?
Or they change only the drive letter? Maybe can be usefull if you could post these files (deleting your eventual personal data, for privacy).

OK. No problem for me. Just to understand, why not keep %PATH%;$Lib$\GTK\bin and GTK_EXE_PREFIX ?

Why keep them if not necessary?
At least, for what I've noticed..
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lun 25 gen 2010 - 11:05

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14
Danix ha scritto ...

Not sure I understand, but the new "_WriteWinPenPackDriveLetterToFile()" and "_NeutralizeWinPenPackDriveLetterInFile()" functions fix all paths of recent folders?
Or they change only the drive letter? Maybe can be usefull if you could post these files (deleting your eventual personal data, for privacy).

A typical unison preference file is like this one:
root = C:\my_data
root = D:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick
path = dir_1
ignore = Path dir_1/cache

Then it is required to change D: to the actual USB drive letter but leaving C: untouched.

The second difficulty is that I have another preference files to synchronize my USB stick to another computer whose config looks likes this:
root = D:\my_data
root = E:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

Then if I "fix" the drive letter on the first computer, I break my second profile :
root = D:\my_data
root = D:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

For that reason my idea is to adapt my config files to :
root = C:\my_data
root = %WPPDriveLetter%:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

root = D:\my_data
root = %WPPDriveLetter%:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

- Let say that the current USB drive is D: in my first computer
- before running the application, _WriteWinPenPackDriveLetterToFile() adapt the files by replacing %WPPDriveLetter% by the actual USB driveletter and in case it finds an occurence in the file that is the USB drive letter (here D:) it preserves it for later use (by puting it between %..%). In my examples, the first file is transformed to :
root = C:\my_data
root = D:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

and the second one to
root = %D%:\my_data
root = D:\my_data_on_my_usb_stick

With this approach, the first file is operational, and on the second I preserved the "D:" root which should be left untouched.
- after X-Unison is closed they are put back to their original form by _NeutralizeWinPenPackDriveLetterInFile()

Hope that I'm clear

Danix ha scritto ...

OK. No problem for me. Just to understand, why not keep %PATH%;$Lib$\GTK\bin and GTK_EXE_PREFIX ?

Why keep them if not necessary?
At least, for what I've noticed..

Done. Upload test 2 as soon as possible. thanks !
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mar 26 gen 2010 - 01:44


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
pir ha scritto ...

Hope that I'm clear


But, have you considered that, after this performance (and also this one), you could be included immediately in our development Team?
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mar 26 gen 2010 - 08:53


Utente registrato #251
Registrato il: lun 22 gen 2007 - 10:12
Provenienza: Buttrio (UD)
Messaggi: 3359

Hi pir, you made a great job!

not only quoting Danix...

Danix ha scritto ...

But, have you considered that, after this performance (and also this one), you could be included immediately in our development Team?

...would be very grateful and helpful if You decide to became a winPenPack member.

IMHO, You will be really welcome!!
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ven 29 gen 2010 - 09:50

Utente registrato #2110
Registrato il: gio 01 feb 2007 - 20:42
Provenienza: France
Messaggi: 14
@Danix and @Taf

Thanks so much for your appraisal
I, of course, be very pleased to help you further.
Is there something special to be done ?

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sab 30 gen 2010 - 11:51

Utente registrato #74
Registrato il: dom 21 gen 2007 - 11:31
Provenienza: Tradate (VA)
Messaggi: 3821
pir ha scritto ...

@Danix and @Taf

Thanks so much for your appraisal
I, of course, be very pleased to help you further.
Is there something special to be done ?

Hi pir,
nothing different from what you have alreary done: excellent portabilizations...
We would very proud to welcome you in the Team...
Best Regards
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sab 17 nov 2012 - 17:30


Utente registrato #1
Registrato il: ven 29 dic 2006 - 05:38
Provenienza: Sassari
Messaggi: 12956
Released X-Unison 2.40.16 [rev2]
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