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X-Chromium 109.0.5414.120 [rev17]

Developer: The Chromium Authors/winPenPack Team
Author website: -Link-
Last Updated: Sunday 01 October 2023 - 14:33:12
Size: 120 MB
Downloads: 52459
 7.3 - 6 votes 

Download 64-bit version
[It] Chromium è un web browser open source dai cui deriva Google Chrome. La porzione del codice scritto da Google è rilasciata sotto licenza BSD con altre parti soggette a varie licenze libere (licenza MIT, LGPL, Microsoft Public License e Mozilla Public License). Possiede le stesse caratteristiche di Chrome, ma ha un logo leggermente differente

[En] Chromium is the open source web browser project from which Google Chrome draws its source code. The Google-authored portion of it is released under the BSD license, with other parts being subject to a variety of different permissive open-source licenses, including the MIT License, the LGPL, the Ms-PL, and an MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-license. It implements the same feature set as Google Chrome, but has a slightly different logo.

Versione/Version: Software [109.0.5414.120/117.0.5938.132] - X-Launcher [1.5.4] - INI [rev17]
Licenza Software/Software License: BSD License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License: winPenPack License Agreement
Codice Sorgente/Source Code: Launcher source - Chromium source
Lingua/Language: (Multilingual)
Prerequisiti/Prerequisites: Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista
Modifiche/Changes :
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 mario.91  on: 28.01.09 - 20:31 - Comments: 4

credo che questa versione ormai sia di molto superata
quella che ho io è la
>> link rimosso <<

 mario.91  on: 28.01.09 - 20:31 - Comments: 4

anzi quella ke ti ho linkato è la 2.0.160

 zandet2  on: 28.01.09 - 23:24 - Comments: 37

per gli aggiornamenti di X-Chromium (non Chrome!) fai riferimento a questo topic -Link-


 mario.91  on: 29.01.09 - 14:40 - Comments: 4

ah ti ho linkato chrome?
scusa comunque ti ripeto che la versione portable di chronium è arrivata alla 2

 massimo.balzi  on: 03.04.09 - 07:53 - Comments: 1

ottimo programma e più veloce di firefox 3

 JackL  on: 07.05.10 - 22:45 - Comments: 4

Hi guys!
portable mode doesn't load extensions to default folder - insted it creates entry on hd - has anyone idea how to prevent it?

 Danix  on: 08.05.10 - 00:13 - Comments: 241

It works for me. Extensions are stored in the \User\Chrome\Default\Extensions\ folder. I tried Speed Tracer and Google Calendar Checker from -Link- . Which extension did you try?

 JackL  on: 08.05.10 - 10:02 - Comments: 4

OK - I expected them to be loaded to X-Chromium_5.0.353.0_rev9\Bin\Chrome\extensions.
now it's clear
thanks a lot Danix!

 JackL  on: 08.05.10 - 10:58 - Comments: 4

Speed deal doesn't keep the personalization - is loading default empty look everynew launch of chromium plus welcome page
AniWeather loads its page in separate tab every new launch of chromium
xmarks stucked on login stage - it doesn't remember my password and further synchro setting...

 Danix  on: 08.05.10 - 17:26 - Comments: 241

I tried Speed Deal and AniWeather without any problem.
Both keep the personalization, also changing the X-Software's path.
For any other question please open a new topic in forum. It is easier to talk

 JackL  on: 09.05.10 - 10:32 - Comments: 4

Thanks - just to finish this thread - all works fine. Problem was with nightly build of chromium I tested - FYI - 5th may build works fine - the speed is amazing!

 Danix  on: 10.05.10 - 00:28 - Comments: 241

You're right! The latest versions have problems with extensions.
For example, AniWeather does not save settings.

 fatblock  on: 31.03.11 - 14:28 - Comments: 2

raga non so a voi ma a me mi dice sempre uffa. con la versione 11 andava meglio!

 Nuvolari  on: 01.04.11 - 08:18 - Comments: 17

Intendi per caso che va in crash? -Link-

 fatblock  on: 04.04.11 - 20:18 - Comments: 2

raga non so a voi ma a me mi dice sempre uffa. con la versione 11 andava meglio! crasha la pagina della google mail!!! che diamine!!!

 zandet2  on: 04.04.11 - 20:41 - Comments: 37

se riscontri dei problemi segnalali e dettagliali nell'apposita sezione del forum.
L'area dei commenti non è quella dedicata alle anomalie.


 nelson6e65  on: 30.04.11 - 00:29 - Comments: 15

Thank you...! I will try it...! / ¡Gracias...! ¡Lo probaré...!

 mrpink  on: 02.12.12 - 13:32 - Comments: 3

Error on first launch about Preferences and the browser prompts to make it default. Same with X-Iron

 dpstorm  on: 29.03.14 - 16:00 - Comments: 1

Update please...users with AdBlock extension is very slow. See:


Thank you very much, maintainer!

 lugligino  on: 05.12.14 - 18:10 - Comments: 5

come si aggiunge Java per questa versione portabile?

 lugligino  on: 05.12.14 - 18:23 - Comments: 5

Copiare Java/bin e Java/lib in /X-Cromium/lib non ha funzionato.

 lugligino  on: 10.12.14 - 09:26 - Comments: 5

E neanche copiare jre-7u71-windows-i586.exe in /lib/java/setup.

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