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winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection :: Forum :: Technical Support (English)
Technical Support (English)
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Msg re Java before startup of Apache Open Office
mer 17 lug 2013 - 07:06
3 14845 Taf
dom 21 lug 2013 - 16:18
annoying dialog window at every start of X-Thunderbird
mer 17 lug 2013 - 22:59
3 12758 Taf
gio 18 lug 2013 - 09:29
File associations in conjunction with a standalone X-program
dom 07 lug 2013 - 15:34
Nessuno 7436 -
Download of winPenPack Full v4.3 impossible
sab 29 giu 2013 - 21:22
2 10290 Danix
sab 29 giu 2013 - 22:09
Bug in X-VideoLAN 2.0.6 [rev13]
mer 01 mag 2013 - 11:52
1 8374 dropper
mer 01 mag 2013 - 12:29
Activation of protocols works not for X-Firefox
dom 07 apr 2013 - 18:05
3 10409 Taf
lun 08 apr 2013 - 09:16
Bug in X-CamStudio 2.7 [rev3] - Switching of language impossible
lun 18 mar 2013 - 09:43
3 11849 Danix
lun 18 mar 2013 - 13:21
winPenPack Net menu doesn't start
dom 10 mar 2013 - 20:33
4 11962 dropper
dom 17 mar 2013 - 11:35
no automatic installation of a new JRE
mar 05 mar 2013 - 09:07
8 15087 dropper
mer 06 mar 2013 - 18:19
Nessun nuovo messaggio nelle discussioni più attive
Update of X-Software Vai a pagina: [ 1 2 ]
ven 01 mar 2013 - 12:45
15 22504 ZioZione
dom 03 mar 2013 - 15:52
Development of Portable Software
dom 03 mar 2013 - 10:23
Nessuno 6377 -
Nessun nuovo messaggio nelle discussioni più attive
X-jEdit - Any Updates Vai a pagina: [ 1 2 ]
mar 26 feb 2013 - 22:41
11 21203 ZioZione
sab 02 mar 2013 - 19:01
Xammp doesn't work
gio 28 feb 2013 - 11:37
Nessuno 6435 -
X-BlogBridge RSS Reader - Setup Issues
gio 21 feb 2013 - 16:48
3 8945 ZioZione
mer 27 feb 2013 - 13:06
Nessun nuovo messaggio nelle discussioni più attive
strange behaviour of the upgrade manager Vai a pagina: [ 1 2 ]
mar 12 feb 2013 - 09:36
12 18646 Taf
gio 14 feb 2013 - 19:34
another bug in X-Firefox 18.0.1 [rev7]
gio 24 gen 2013 - 16:31
3 8775 dropper
mer 06 feb 2013 - 16:11
Bug in X-Firefox 18.0.1 [rev7]
gio 24 gen 2013 - 12:24
2 8682 dropper
gio 24 gen 2013 - 15:20
Necessity of the .NET framework
lun 07 gen 2013 - 14:10
1 8285 Taf
lun 07 gen 2013 - 15:26
winPenPackNet Personal v2.8.67.2350. How to..?
dom 30 dic 2012 - 17:23
Nessuno 6052 -
Installation of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 Update 10 impossible
mer 19 dic 2012 - 02:37
2 8614 Taf
gio 20 dic 2012 - 08:27
win PenPack Upgrade Manager doesn't work correctly
mar 25 set 2012 - 11:35
3 9214 zandet2
mar 25 set 2012 - 12:33
X-Firefox 15.0.1 [rev6] + portable Java (jre-7u7)bugs. thanks.
mer 19 set 2012 - 13:28
2 11169 dlusera
gio 20 set 2012 - 09:47
Bug in X-Notepad++ 6.1.7 [rev15 aspell]
mer 12 set 2012 - 14:22
4 10565 zandet2
mer 19 set 2012 - 15:41
X-Lazarus_0.9.30.4_rev5 Error. Thanks.
ven 24 ago 2012 - 12:36
4 13456 zandet2
mer 19 set 2012 - 14:31
Extraction of the file picpick_inst.exe doesn't work
lun 10 set 2012 - 15:28
3 9817 zandet2
mar 11 set 2012 - 15:11

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