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winPenPack - The Portable Software Collection :: Forum :: Technical Support (English)
Technical Support (English)
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Impossibility to install X-Thunderbird 15.0.1 [rev9]
mar 11 set 2012 - 13:52
1 7866 zandet2
mar 11 set 2012 - 14:13
Usage of the X-Launcher 1.5.1
mar 04 set 2012 - 12:48
1 7727 zandet2
mar 04 set 2012 - 14:45
Bug in X-KeePass-1 1.24 [rev12]
mar 04 set 2012 - 11:24
2 7267 dropper
mar 04 set 2012 - 12:12
X-Firefox 14.0.1 [rev6] flash portable plugin bugs. thanks.
ven 24 ago 2012 - 12:42
5 11497 dlusera
dom 26 ago 2012 - 13:24
Nessun nuovo messaggio nelle discussioni più attive
Update of JRE doesn't work Vai a pagina: [ 1 2 ]
mer 22 ago 2012 - 16:19
12 19587 zandet2
gio 23 ago 2012 - 23:07
Extraction of IZArc2Go 4.1.7 impossible
lun 06 ago 2012 - 14:50
6 9605 Taf
ven 10 ago 2012 - 10:01
X-InnoSetup 5.4.2 [rev5] outdated
mer 01 ago 2012 - 09:03
Nessuno 5492 -
X-DCPlusPlus 0.782 outdated
dom 29 lug 2012 - 10:35
1 8826 Taf
dom 29 lug 2012 - 10:47
Bug in Firefox and Thunderbird
mar 17 lug 2012 - 23:16
3 18682 Danix
lun 23 lug 2012 - 20:47
Icon disappeared
ven 20 lug 2012 - 12:22
4 10229 Taf
ven 20 lug 2012 - 17:57
Bug after installation of X-Thunderbird 12.0.1 [rev8]
lun 18 giu 2012 - 10:25
7 11942 Taf
lun 18 giu 2012 - 15:27
used Java version by the X-Firefox browser
gio 14 giu 2012 - 00:10
4 9353 zandet2
gio 14 giu 2012 - 19:45
Meaning of the settings in the file xnview.ini
mar 05 giu 2012 - 20:27
3 9515 ZioZione
gio 07 giu 2012 - 20:46
Meaning of "CaptureType2=3" in the configuration file picpick.ini
sab 21 apr 2012 - 19:40
1 7471 Rcs
sab 21 apr 2012 - 19:54
Language switching impossible in the GUI of LibreOffice 3.4.6 [rev7]
ven 23 mar 2012 - 09:57
2 8244 dropper
ven 23 mar 2012 - 16:48
Project of the month contest
gio 15 mar 2012 - 12:41
Nessuno 4711 -
Regshot Unicode 2.0.1.*
dom 26 feb 2012 - 16:13
1 8166 Danix
dom 26 feb 2012 - 18:03
Question regarding licensing of Freeware
mar 07 feb 2012 - 12:02
4 8212 dropper
mar 07 feb 2012 - 12:49
Portability of Tomahawk PDF+
gio 12 gen 2012 - 12:08
Nessuno 5651 -
Support for launch arguments in X-OmegaT
lun 12 dic 2011 - 19:44
5 11075 Taf
gio 22 dic 2011 - 09:47
X-Firefox 8.0.1 [rev4] not jump list(task) on windows 7. thanks.
mer 07 dic 2011 - 08:40
5 10240 dlusera
sab 10 dic 2011 - 12:57
Setting up X-Firefox 8.0 [rev4] as default browser is impossible
dom 13 nov 2011 - 13:25
4 10428 dropper
lun 14 nov 2011 - 21:15
Impossibility to change the language permanently in X-Notepad++ 5.9.5 [rev12 aspell]
mar 25 ott 2011 - 13:45
6 11770 ZioZione
gio 27 ott 2011 - 10:46
Impossibility to change the language permanently in X-KeePass-1 1.21 rev[10]
mar 18 ott 2011 - 10:15
2 9440 dropper
mar 18 ott 2011 - 11:51
Nessun nuovo messaggio nelle discussioni più attive
Impossibility to open a picture in X-Paint.NET v3.36 rev4 Vai a pagina: [ 1 2 ]
lun 26 set 2011 - 21:11
11 19481 Taf
mer 28 set 2011 - 08:16

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